Friday 11 September 2009

Till Death Do Us Apart

On tuesday, 8/9 was my parents' anniversary =) and i really wanted to blog on that day but i couldnt i said, i've been as busy as a bee! So, my dad wanted to take my mum to chilis but unfortunately,there's no chilis branch near my place so they went to secret recipe instead! I mean, dude! that place ROCKS too. their cakes are just to die for! And obviously, i didn't follow them =( =( couldnt taste the cake,damn it.
its okay. after pmr, i'm gonna go everywhere i want and eat anything i want..! feel like having sushi now.... =D gosh! i cant freakin wait for it to END!!!!! Anyways, on thursday was my uncle's birthday (my dad's cousin bro) so, we had dinner at this random place in PJ. And i came back at 11 and just fell dead on my bed.
oh! oh! i've got A NEPHEW!!!!! yeah, so, that makes me an aunt,obviously. he's just 12 days old so you can imagine how cute he can be! his name is Johnathan Jay! awesome right? i love it. gosh! i just realised that i actually know quite a number of people by the name jonathan!
p/s- natalie....i miss you babes..!! it feels like its been ages since we spoke =(

I'M BACK!!!!!!!

Finally....! I'm back. Dont worry, i didn't disappear from the face of the earth. :p so,here i am,blogging..for YOU to read! I've been VERY BUSY lately and i guess i'm not alone... PMR's in 27, i guess you'll understand. And..A LOT of shit has been happening lately...i mean just, A LOT. Well, its neither interesting nor good to talk about it, just screw it.
Anyways, i got 5 A 's for my trials..=) feels so good man! I GOT A FREAKIN 'A' FOR KH!!!!!!!!!! can you believe it??! its probably like the first time i got an 'A' for KH :p .. and............ i shall just skip the part'what happen to the other two subjects' cause there's no point talking about it,cause...the past is past,right??
My dad has been a real biatchh lately..i just dont get him. I just DONT! god knows whats up with him lately....its like..he freakin pms's everyday! and he yells for even the tiniest shit that can probably happen in the house. its like..for one moment, he can be really sweet and the next,he's just the exact opposite! And he says that i'm very egoistic,self-centered and....ungrateful?!! :(
Basically, i've been taking a lot shit + PMR's STRESS!

Saturday 1 August 2009

Whip the Ass Off!!! :p

On wednesday, (29/7), there was this moral ceramah crap for the non malays because the malays had to go for some malay programme at the surau. Being an angel myself :P , i didn't skip school, unlike most people. And.......the dude was going on and on about discipline and rules and how teenagers are these days and bla...bla...bla...But, before the thing ended, we saw a video of how the inmates get whipped! Yes! WHIPPED, RIGHT ON THEIR BIG FAT VAIN ASS!!!!!
They were made to stand, holding on to the other officers and this dude uses this fat cain to whip. There was this part where this guy's ass VIBRATED , literally,after getting whipped. i freakin couldn't stop laughin Yeah, i was just being And.., Btw, i'm not a mean ass! Those lifelessassholes,bastards DESERVED IT!!!!!!!!!! THEY DESERVE EVERY PIECE OF IT! i couldn't be bothered to show even a lil mercy for those brutes who raped and abused, just for their pleasure! >=[ And then..., we saw this really funny video of this Japanese guy,i think,he was trying to say numbers in english. And when he got to 20, he didn't know how to say 'twenty'. So, he said 'tenten'.LOL. And then he didn't know how to say 'hundred'. So, he used his fingers and started saying 'tententententen...................' LOL. omg, it was freaking funny...! I still dont get what that video had to do with discipline?! It was filled with humour.
And then, later.........giuli and i went to the canteen and.............. we actually got to talk. This..hardly happens these days.....=( right,giuli???

Saturday 25 July 2009

I dont know what the hell was wrong with the font in the previous post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW, its FINE! screw it la! i cannot be worrying about this....too busy for it!
gtg out NOW! bye.....:D
I watched
it. was.awesome:D And Megan Fox was hot. ( i'm NOT gay) :p . and screw those who carry tales around saying that she's a man! i like megan fox (who doesn't) and.... i LOVE Linkin Park!!!!!!!!!!!! they're F-in AWESOME!
Next, i wanna watch Harry Potter and the half blood prince, eventhough i'm not into harry potter, because some people talk about it as if its the AWESOMEST movie on earth! eeeeessssshhhhh....... D.Radcliffe's fans!. Maybe i should go to Tropicana City Mall, since its NEW!. instead of MV. seriously, i'm just bored of it!!

Friday 17 July 2009

Isn't HE HOT ???
nothing much has been happening lately.....:( and...oh...oh....oh!... i forgot! shipren has EYEBROWS!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Yeah, in case you dont know who on earth shipren is, he's this now -sexy- dude from cekal. its like this...this dude USED to have unibrows and they're pretty disgusting/awful/disturbing.....aren't they??? anyways...this friend of mine decided to wax it cause she couldn't stand it anymore!. So, she got those wax strips and decided to wax IT.And,obviously, he didn't like it....but he had NO CHOICE! He was trying to escape but it was impossible cause there was just so many people there,..waiting anxiously.... so,the boys pinned him down....and...1. 2. 3 it ..was..GONE!

To sum it all up, shippie's unibrow waxing plan was a huge SUCCESS!

unfortunately, i wasn't there to WITNESS IT! :(


I got back my results and.....pretty satisfying i should say...not all though. screw history and KH. And, i got screwed by Kuah(my math teacher) today,just because my graph line was extra extended when it shouldn't be...?!