Friday 17 July 2009

nothing much has been happening lately.....:( and...oh...oh....oh!... i forgot! shipren has EYEBROWS!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Yeah, in case you dont know who on earth shipren is, he's this now -sexy- dude from cekal. its like this...this dude USED to have unibrows and they're pretty disgusting/awful/disturbing.....aren't they??? anyways...this friend of mine decided to wax it cause she couldn't stand it anymore!. So, she got those wax strips and decided to wax IT.And,obviously, he didn't like it....but he had NO CHOICE! He was trying to escape but it was impossible cause there was just so many people there,..waiting anxiously.... so,the boys pinned him down....and...1. 2. 3 it ..was..GONE!

To sum it all up, shippie's unibrow waxing plan was a huge SUCCESS!

unfortunately, i wasn't there to WITNESS IT! :(


I got back my results and.....pretty satisfying i should say...not all though. screw history and KH. And, i got screwed by Kuah(my math teacher) today,just because my graph line was extra extended when it shouldn't be...?!

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