Friday 11 September 2009

Till Death Do Us Apart

On tuesday, 8/9 was my parents' anniversary =) and i really wanted to blog on that day but i couldnt i said, i've been as busy as a bee! So, my dad wanted to take my mum to chilis but unfortunately,there's no chilis branch near my place so they went to secret recipe instead! I mean, dude! that place ROCKS too. their cakes are just to die for! And obviously, i didn't follow them =( =( couldnt taste the cake,damn it.
its okay. after pmr, i'm gonna go everywhere i want and eat anything i want..! feel like having sushi now.... =D gosh! i cant freakin wait for it to END!!!!! Anyways, on thursday was my uncle's birthday (my dad's cousin bro) so, we had dinner at this random place in PJ. And i came back at 11 and just fell dead on my bed.
oh! oh! i've got A NEPHEW!!!!! yeah, so, that makes me an aunt,obviously. he's just 12 days old so you can imagine how cute he can be! his name is Johnathan Jay! awesome right? i love it. gosh! i just realised that i actually know quite a number of people by the name jonathan!
p/s- natalie....i miss you babes..!! it feels like its been ages since we spoke =(

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