Friday 11 September 2009

I'M BACK!!!!!!!

Finally....! I'm back. Dont worry, i didn't disappear from the face of the earth. :p so,here i am,blogging..for YOU to read! I've been VERY BUSY lately and i guess i'm not alone... PMR's in 27, i guess you'll understand. And..A LOT of shit has been happening lately...i mean just, A LOT. Well, its neither interesting nor good to talk about it, just screw it.
Anyways, i got 5 A 's for my trials..=) feels so good man! I GOT A FREAKIN 'A' FOR KH!!!!!!!!!! can you believe it??! its probably like the first time i got an 'A' for KH :p .. and............ i shall just skip the part'what happen to the other two subjects' cause there's no point talking about it,cause...the past is past,right??
My dad has been a real biatchh lately..i just dont get him. I just DONT! god knows whats up with him lately....its like..he freakin pms's everyday! and he yells for even the tiniest shit that can probably happen in the house. its like..for one moment, he can be really sweet and the next,he's just the exact opposite! And he says that i'm very egoistic,self-centered and....ungrateful?!! :(
Basically, i've been taking a lot shit + PMR's STRESS!

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