Saturday 1 August 2009

Whip the Ass Off!!! :p

On wednesday, (29/7), there was this moral ceramah crap for the non malays because the malays had to go for some malay programme at the surau. Being an angel myself :P , i didn't skip school, unlike most people. And.......the dude was going on and on about discipline and rules and how teenagers are these days and bla...bla...bla...But, before the thing ended, we saw a video of how the inmates get whipped! Yes! WHIPPED, RIGHT ON THEIR BIG FAT VAIN ASS!!!!!
They were made to stand, holding on to the other officers and this dude uses this fat cain to whip. There was this part where this guy's ass VIBRATED , literally,after getting whipped. i freakin couldn't stop laughin Yeah, i was just being And.., Btw, i'm not a mean ass! Those lifelessassholes,bastards DESERVED IT!!!!!!!!!! THEY DESERVE EVERY PIECE OF IT! i couldn't be bothered to show even a lil mercy for those brutes who raped and abused, just for their pleasure! >=[ And then..., we saw this really funny video of this Japanese guy,i think,he was trying to say numbers in english. And when he got to 20, he didn't know how to say 'twenty'. So, he said 'tenten'.LOL. And then he didn't know how to say 'hundred'. So, he used his fingers and started saying 'tententententen...................' LOL. omg, it was freaking funny...! I still dont get what that video had to do with discipline?! It was filled with humour.
And then, later.........giuli and i went to the canteen and.............. we actually got to talk. This..hardly happens these days.....=( right,giuli???

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