Friday 10 July 2009


intervensi 3 just, yesterday. And there's nothing to be happy about, trials are like in,what? Exactly a freaking month from now! (10/8) But,as usual,there were people screaming when school ended. Especially the ones from like the maju's,amanah's,adil's.......freaks! Whatever la! i jusst dont give a shit! and i might be posting more shit then. (BM paper 1 should go eat shit and ****f itself!!!)
my cousin just came back from overseas after like what, 6 or 7 years,studying.......its been a year since i last saw her. 365 days gone. just like that! time flies.....seriously.....before we ......ok,cut the crap. So, she graduated and gonna. no. HAVE TO serve the
goddamngovernment for like 4 or 5 years andddddddddd then she'll be on her own! But....she'll migrate after that :( :( i hardly get to spend time with my cousins cause they're like...always abroad...studying...then, they just migrate! anyways...i'm just so glad she's back! true fun is only after pmr,damn :(
school's been the same. as it always has been. and there was this ceramah crap today for all the form 3 s. it was on geography. and... Euvan thinks the penceramah lady is hot!
me: 'she doesnt seem like she can speak good english......' *before i could finish my sentence...*
euvan: She's HOT! that's all matters.
and....before i end this post, i would like to talk about MJ a bit! seriously, i see him everywhere....literally, in everybody's blog, magazines.....newspapers, i hear about him everywhere and.....people are just overreacting! Just like what jasmeet said on her blog, 'he is only remembered when he is gone. when he was alive, everyone made fun of him.....accused him of child molest and so on ....Now, after he's dead and probably happily moonwalking in heaven(yeah, he might be in heaven because of the good deeds he did) people 'show their love and concern' by buying a huge pile of all his albums and blast it till their ears blow up and go like : 'OMG, we've lost the great king of pop!!!! he's gone! i misssssssss youuuuuuuuu mj! loveeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
p.s- i can't believe The World can be such an evil and mean place to live in! and 'certain people' to make it worse!!!

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