Saturday 4 July 2009

Cats INVADE My House!!!!!!!!

Just now, about 15 minutes ago,(while i was having dinner) my sister went into the kitchen to get something......when suddenly i heard her screaming in her normal retarded way................
me: WHAAAAAAAAT??????????!
sister: there's........ a...... CAT..., HERE!!!!
*mum comes downstairs*
so, mum and i went into the kitchen our horror,there it was,that little devil! right under the kitchen cabinet. Whoa man, my mum freaked out!! You should have seen her face. At last............, my mum, Saved The Day! I couldn't manage to get a picture of it cause my mum chased it away and it raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan for its dear life! lol.
CATS seem to really love my house,for some reason...........cause, before this, i've had cats GIVING BIRTH in my balcony, A FEW TIMES and once, a cat even tried entering my house through the front door, right IN FRONT of me............?!

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