Friday 3 July 2009

My Brain Is Full :P

My dad just left...outstation ,on a business trip,like approximately 21 hours ago,yeah,it was in the morning.And i'm not tryin to say i miss him or somethin..cause...he'll be back on sunday.I dont get the point of all this business/work crap! I mean,its just for a few days and he has to go soooooo far. why cant they just do it here,instead of going somewhere else, out of the country??
Oh,the intervensi shit is bback again! its the 3rd one and it feels like....i JUST got back my mid-terms results! I really dont give two shits la...anddddddddddd the goddamn folios are getting on my nerves!! I cant believe the dumbassjabatan-hope it burns in hell makes us to do art folios,i mean ART!!!!!! come on la,this folios has got has its limits! I'm not trying to say that i hate art,of course i dont! its just the lame and stupid one in school,that i dislike.(but what can i do when they decide to kill the trees and evenntually send us all to the 'Hospital of The Mentally Ill' bacause our brains blew up out of too much stress/pressure?)
OMG-*thinking about how many trees i've killed in the past couple of months-doing folios* KH,HISTORY,GEOGRAPHY,SCIENCE,soon-ART.
My exam's on monday and i've got about 5 textbooks to finish but,...i'm sitting here,doing this..eventhough its already 2.47 am.I think i should go get some sleep,before i start zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-ing here.

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