Wednesday 24 June 2009

Program Sure 'A'

3 Cekal,3Jujur and 3 Maju had this so-called seminar/program today and this 'dude' (the penceramah) from...kedah.... i think, or was it perak..i dont know,nvmd....ya,so he was talking about SCIENCE. And... he spoke AWESOME english! VERY GOOD grammar,seriously :P.And he was also talking about football,and a little bit of David Beckham as well.(i guess he was tryin to create some humour,but,unfortunately,it was lame,so,joke tak jadi,lol) And there was this part where he was explaining the 'inference' or 'hypothesis',i think, and he said we have to use the word 'Because'. And i think he was repeating the word 'because' too many times that it reminded him of the song 'Because Of You' by Kelly Clarkson and he started 'singing' in his 'awesome accent'. What the Hacks? retard!

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