Friday 19 June 2009


Firstly,i would like to apologize for not updating...., that's because my internet was being a real bitch.Yeah, it has a mind of its own..Okay,school started on monday and some people got a haircut, a new hairstyle.They all looked different but,school was just the same.School is always the same,especially MINE.
And i got back my results and...what can i say,
Bm-unexpected,very unexpected-i wish i could just burn the !@#$%^&* subject alive! okay, i know its impossible.
English-i kinda screwed it because of the tricky paper 1(all thanks to the stupid jabatan) well, its only english...
Maths/History-:) :) :) :)
Geography-i just had to make an EXTRA mistake, i JUST HAD TO! and i lost an 'A' by ONE FREAKING MARK! ihatethis!
The KEMAHIRAN kcufing HIDUP-Now,i just don't get the point why we (girls) have to learn this !@#$%^&*goddamn subject! i mean, its not like we're gonna become housewives(which is something I would NEVER be) and 'serve' our husband,and clean the house,and do the laundry,and cook for your kids,husband,his whole family and give birth(just because he needs pleasure) and just sit home and watch tv.Basicly,we -being -a -maid.I mean, we can just call the plumber,electrician or just go to the tailor,which makes our life waaaaayyyyy easier instead of learning up cara-cara menjahit kelim or cara memanjang/memendekkankan pola skirt,WTF??? and electrics and eletronics is pure shit!So,we HAVE TO learn this shit just because we're girls??!

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