Friday 19 June 2009


I think this happened on Tuesday or Wednesday,i can't remember.So,abhi,vatsala and i were in the van.And,this is what happened....
abhi:*notices some writing on a random car in front of our van*(the ones where they use for advertisement purposes like for a radio station) Hey,whats 'Kelabau to show?'
me:What?Where? *looks at the car in front* Actually ah, whats 'Kelabau to show?'
vatsala:What?*looks at the car and turns to us*Omg,its Kelab auto to show la!!!! not kelabau to show (yeah,it was actually '') you guys are so NOT malaysian la!
abhi,vatsala: hahahahahahahaha
me:Bursts out laughing like a MANIAC!
Seriously,i was laughin like a mad cow,lol,i couldn't stop, literally.
p/s-saw K.Benjamin after school today.He's got short hair back again.But,he looked better last year,with long hair.

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