Monday 18 May 2009


So,my second intervensi JUST ended,and i'm having a mid-term soon.Actually, its on wednesday,which is the day after tomorrow.And as usual,i haven't done anything yet!It's not because i'm lazy to study,it's because of the goddamn teachers in school that stuff our asses with a HECK LOAD OF WORK!!! folios,assignments,notes,homeworks and other crap which has no benefit for our lives!
Basicly, school makes us lifeless.Not to mention the amount of attitude that i have to tolerate in school a day.The people that make my life miserable.........OKAYYY...coming back to the exams topic,it'll be from Wed-Fri and then continue from Mon-Wed and i'll be sitting for my MATHS exam on my birthday:(:(! Yes, on my BIRTHDAY!!!!! I'm gonna have a 'great' birthday this year.
p/s-sorry for the emo post,i was so pissed off,that i just felt like expressing it here.

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